The third consecutive edition of the Digital Sales Monitor addresses the all-defining question: 'How digitized are German Sales departments?' By collecting, analyzing and classifying the survey results, Cremanski & Company once again succeeded in making the status quo of digital sales processes in Germany visible.
Book a MeetingAs an annual study, the Digital Sales Monitor succeeds like no other publication not only in identifying current developments and trends in German Sales departments, but also in classifying them professionally. In 5 topic-specific chapters, we answer these questions, among others:
Fit for the Future: Digitization and Structuring of Sales
Sales IQ: the Reporting Setup
The Heart: the Employees
The study clearly shows where the greatest potential for increasing sales and saving costs lies in German sales departments. We have summarized the most important findings clearly below:
More than 80% of respondents agree: Optimized processes and well-established CRM systems can increase a company's sales by an incredible...
More than 80% of respondents agree: Optimized processes and well-established CRM systems can increase a company's sales by an incredible 27%! This year's survey results show that there is enormous investment potential in the company's own structures and systems, which ultimately determine success or failure.
More than 80% of respondents agree: Optimized processes and well-established CRM systems can increase a company's sales by an incredible 27%! This year's survey results show that there is enormous investment potential in the company's own structures and systems, which ultimately determine success or failure.
Although more than 80% of all participants are aware of this fact, the majority of companies knowingly forego enormous financial gains by working...
Although more than 80% of all participants are aware of this fact, the majority of companies knowingly forego enormous financial gains by working inefficiently, in that their own structures are in need of major improvement or even inferior! Executives rate their own processes as well as the systematic setup with an average of 6.7 out of 10 points. This means that they do not even begin to exploit the potential that their own company actually possesses.
Although more than 80% of all participants are aware of this fact, the majority of companies knowingly forego enormous financial gains by working inefficiently, in that their own structures are in need of major improvement or even inferior! Executives rate their own processes as well as the systematic setup with an average of 6.7 out of 10 points. This means that they do not even begin to exploit the potential that their own company actually possesses.
Salesforce is the most widely used CRM tool and, as a Customer Success platform, the model of the future! The system is once again clear...
Salesforce is the most widely used CRM tool and, as a Customer Success platform, the model of the future! The system is once again clearly extending its lead with a considerable increase of 8 percentage points.Almost a third of respondents now rely on Salesforce, which represents a very clear trend towards Customer Success. Companies are now attaching greater importance to being able to serve customers 360 degrees while at the same time having complete transparency about their respective customer behavior and needs.
Salesforce is the most widely used CRM tool and, as a Customer Success platform, the model of the future! The system is once again clearly extending its lead with a considerable increase of 8 percentage points.Almost a third of respondents now rely on Salesforce, which represents a very clear trend towards Customer Success. Companies are now attaching greater importance to being able to serve customers 360 degrees while at the same time having complete transparency about their respective customer behavior and needs.
Companies with well-established structures and processes succeeded in reducing their turnover rate in sales to a low single-digit figure...
Companies with well-established structures and processes succeeded in reducing their turnover rate in sales to a low single-digit figure, while those with poor processes tended to face a low double-digit figure in this area! So structures not only have an enormous impact on the success of a company in general, but also on employee satisfaction, which in turn leads to a lower turnover rate. This fact is all the more significant as finding good talent is one of the highest challenges facing sales departments these days. Surprisingly, most of them do not seize this opportunity and refrain from investing in their own structures.
Companies with well-established structures and processes succeeded in reducing their turnover rate in sales to a low single-digit figure, while those with poor processes tended to face a low double-digit figure in this area! So structures not only have an enormous impact on the success of a company in general, but also on employee satisfaction, which in turn leads to a lower turnover rate. This fact is all the more significant as finding good talent is one of the highest challenges facing sales departments these days. Surprisingly, most of them do not seize this opportunity and refrain from investing in their own structures.
Most companies know how important good processes and structures are, they know how deficient their own systems are and which tool ..
Most companies know how important good processes and structures are, they know how deficient their own systems are and which tool can optimally cover the needs of a sales department: Yet most companies do not pay attention to the area of Sales & Revenue Operations Management. An incredible 26% have not filled the position at all, and in 44% of cases the system is managed by the IT department! This is where employees come in who do not have the necessary understanding of the system, business or reporting. If the position of a Sales Revenue / Operations Manager were to be filled, sales departments could release enormous potential here as well. Not only would a significant portion of the 27% revenue increase mentioned above be achievable, but the need for employees, the least available resource, would also be reduced through enormous efficiency gains.
Most companies know how important good processes and structures are, they know how deficient their own systems are and which tool can optimally cover the needs of a sales department: Yet most companies do not pay attention to the area of Sales & Revenue Operations Management. An incredible 26% have not filled the position at all, and in 44% of cases the system is managed by the IT department! This is where employees come in who do not have the necessary understanding of the system, business or reporting. If the position of a Sales Revenue / Operations Manager were to be filled, sales departments could release enormous potential here as well. Not only would a significant portion of the 27% revenue increase mentioned above be achievable, but the need for employees, the least available resource, would also be reduced through enormous efficiency gains.
For the Digital Sales Monitor 2022 and thus the third edition of the annual sales study, the data underlying the analysis was collected via online questionnaire from January to March 2022. This year, Cremanski & Company has thus once again taken on the task of analyzing the state of digitization of German start-ups and medium-sized businesses. More than 1,000 CEOs, founders and executives from Sales and Growth accepted the invitation to answer the questions in full.
The focus is increasingly on a broad inventory of organizational structures, the characterization of process steps or on systems used by the companies. The reporting setup and the dovetailing of marketing and sales were also included in the study through targeted questions. The Digital Sales Barometer scores 7 out of 10 in 2022. Encouragingly, the results show that there has already been further development in some areas, but the barometer also clearly draws attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement.
Unlock 2022's digital sales insights with our comprehensive Digital Sales Monitor report. Download our German study now.
Executives agree: Optimized processes and well-established CRM systems can increase sales by up to 27
According to their own assessment, the majority of structures and processes in German sales departments are inadequate - potential often remains untapped
Fluctuation rate in companies with good processes and structures is several times lower than in companies with structures in need of improvement. Opportunity to invest in own processes often remains unused
Salesforce is the winner among the CRM tools used - clear trend towards customer success, comprehensive customer care and transparency
Companies forego the release of enormous potential by often not filling positions of Sales Revenue / Operations Managers
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